It was strange to be drawn and even more strange to be drawn by a past art teacher that is a friend!
I will try to get ahold of the link to her books that she illustrated in another post.

Being drawn...I took this picture or as the kids say "selfie!" This was taken on Carolina Panthers pride day at school boy I didn't have a shirt so I went as a Super Bowl Ad! Go Pokemon 20!!! :-)

Here is my buddy and illustrator / artist/ mural artist/ arts council president / retired art teacher and most of all friend! What a talent she is!

Here she is with my awesome son holding my pic with her! He loves Judy and did a drawing for her years ago!
-"Melanie R on the move!"
-"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it."—Henry David Thoreau
-"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken."—Oscar Wilde
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